Locations: Heritage Park and the Norcross Garden Club Cottage (33 College Street)
This year's plant sale will have more than 100 different varieties! Plants available will be "pass alongs," which are plants from Norcross Garden Club members' gardens that have successfully grown in past seasons in this neighborhood. These will include an assortment of natives and perennials that have a range of shade and sun tolerance for gardeners to choose from.
Thursday, April 24 | 10 AM-7 PM
Friday, April 25| 10 AM-7 PM
Saturday, April 26| 10 AM-2 PM
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Potluck Brunch and Cards for Meals on Wheels
9:30 am
Potluck Brunch and Cards for Meals on Wheels
@ Cottage
Feb 11 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Meeting Change – We will be hosting a PotLuck Brunch and finishing up cards made at the November meeting for Meals on Wheels. More details coming. .