This Week In The Garden – vol. 122
NGC Holiday Celebration
Tuesday, December 12th 6pm-9pm
at the Norcross Cultural Arts Center
Cost is $25 per person for a Bleu House catered dinner. Dessert by Brainy Bakers (members Alexandra Covington and Marian Goff). This is a hectic time of year, but we hope many will be able to join us to celebrate the holidays and visit with garden club friends.
Please respond by November 29th to Debbie ( or Kathy (text-678-357-8684) or reply to this email. Please mail check by December 4th to Sue Wyatt, c/o Norcross Garden Club, PO Box 576, Norcross GA 30091. You may also make payment via PayPal: at Or contact Jeanette S. (770.329.1411) if you wish to pay with a debit or credit card.
Festivities include: Festive Attire (prize awarded), Games, Bubbly Bar, Photo Booth, and Raffle Drawing.
Garden Therapy Project
Please bring a $25 gift card or two (Walmart, Target. Kroger, etc.) to help the clients at Neighborhood Cooperative Ministries. And please bring grocery store plastic bags- they are always needed at the Co-op.
Please call or text Kathy Sumner (678-357-8684) or Gena Spears (404-550-0217) if you would like to volunteer to help with the holiday party. Let them know if you would like to help with:
decorations, setup or cleanup, planning, ETC!
We need donations of evergreen greens on Monday December 11th for use in table arrangements for the party. They can be dropped off on Sunay, December 10th if needed. Many thanks in advance for your “greens”!
Help Wanted (and NEEDED)
We need members to help in several roles and committees. Please let Kathy Sumner know what you would like to help with. Examples Publicity, Plant digs and sale, youth activities, giving talks or workshops, help writing up awards etc. Please let us know what your talents are and how you would like to help the Norcross Garden Club. (Kathy S: 678-357-8684)
Annual Dues Payment
Dues for 2024-25 must be paid by January 15, 2024. Dues are $60 per member. Two household members may hold membership for a single payment of $70.
You may pay your membership dues at the holiday party with cash, check, debit or credit card. Or mail a check payable to Norcross Garden Club to PO Box 576, Norcross GA 30091.
Cottage Garden Care
We encourage members to stop by anytime it’s convenient for weeding in our garden. Bring a friend or family member with you to pick up debris and pull a few weeds! If you have any questions, please text Pam Cammarata (770-314-9541).
Dogwood District Holiday Fundraiser for Garden Club of Georgia Scholarship Program
Dogwood District is raising funds for the Garden Club of Georgia Scholarship initiative through The Amaryllis Bulb and the Holiday Wreath Fundraiser. Dogwood District encourages all garden club members to consider purchasing bulbs or wreaths in support of this fundraiser.
There are two different companies for these items. To purchase AMARYLLIS BULBS please click on this link. The colors are spectacular. Flat rate of $6.99 for shipping. Orders placed by December 1st will ship in time for holiday gift giving.
To purchase HOLIDAY WREATHS please click on this link. The wreaths are 22” diameter, double faced balsam fir. Price includes shipping.
Norcross Events (See for details and more info and the event calendar:
LionHeart Theatre: See website for upcoming performances, times and ticket information. Performances have been selling out! Reserve early if you see something you like!
The Norcross Gallery and Studios is open Thursday-Saturday 11am-4:00pm to view works and exhibits by local artists.
Peachtree Corners Events
Town Center Events Schedule-
The Forum