• info@norcrossgardenclub.org
  • Norcross, Georgia

This Week In The Garden – vol. 112

Welcome to the First Meeting of our Year!

Tuesday, September 12th at the Norcross Community Center

6:00pm-Social; 6:30pm-8pm– Meeting and Program.

Reconnect with old friends and make new friends!

Please invite a friend to join us! It's not too late to RSVP!  Please RSVP to Debbie Boyd by Monday, September 11th (Debbie.boyd@comcast.net).) 

 “Company’s Coming-Be a Good Host,” Fall migration of birds presented by Steve Rushing of Rushing Outdoors- https://rushingoutdoors.net/  Steve Rushing, a birder and naturalist, will delight us with his amazing photography and educate us on fall migration.  “I watch the natural outdoors of my youth disappearing.  I record its remaining everyday beauty to make a case for personal conservation actions.” S.R.

We’re meeting at the community center because Steve’s presentation includes exceptional photographic images and audio.  The audio/visual equipment available at the community center is much better than what we have at the cottage. This is an exceptional presentation that we hope all will enjoy.

Please bring to the meeting:

  • plastic grocery bags for the Neighborhood Cooperative Ministry. They always need bags for packaging food for the clients.
  • can pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House.
  • glass jars to be used as flower vases for Meals on Wheels clients.

Fulton Federation of Garden Clubs Meeting Monday, September 11th 10:30AM

At Northside Drive Baptist Church, 3100 Northside Drive NW, Atlanta GA 30305 (Directions are below)

Refreshments and raffle provided by the Camellia Garden Club beginning at 10:15 AM.

The meeting begins at 10:30 AM.

All Garden Club members are welcome to attend. Please wear your Garden Club name badge if possible.

Program: Master Gardener and artist Lori Sturgess on “Love of Gardening and Art Coming Together” Lori Sturgess will have her artwork to sell. She was one of the vendors at the 2023 GCG State Convention Magic on the Mountain at Stone Mountain.

Directions of where to enter the building:

The meeting will be in the fellowship hall, in the basement of the sanctuary. There will be directional signage to guide us. Enter the sanctuary of the church through the front doors adjacent to the parking lot.  There is an elevator to go down to the lower level and there are stairs. 

Cottage Garden Care

Beautiful gardens still grow weeds.  We encourage members to stop by anytime it’s convenient for weeding in our garden areas. Bring a friend or family member with you to pick up debris and pull a few weeds! If you have any questions, please text Pam Cammarata (770-314-9541).

From Leanne Penman NGC member and GCG New Club Support Chairman

Laurie Wakefield, member of the Norcross Garden Club, who took video at the Garden Club of Georgia State Convention has now posted the videos and blog.

Here is the live link https://gardenzeal.com/not-your-grandmothers-garden-club/  Feel free to pass along and share our love for gardening with others.

Maybe it will inspire someone to join the Norcross Garden club, a Garden Club of Georgia federated garden club.