• info@norcrossgardenclub.org
  • Norcross, Georgia

This week in the garden – vol. 88

February Meeting Tuesday, February 14th at the Cottage

10:00am-Social, 10:30am-12:00pm -Speaker & Meeting

Member and Master Gardener, Laurie Wakefield’s presentation “Grow Vegetables from Seed”, is a sure winner for us! Gathering fresh veggies from our own gardens would be a treat!! Please RSVP by Friday, February 10 to Debbie Boyd (Debbie.boyd@comcast.net).

Election of Officers for 2023-2025

Club members will vote to elect officers for NGC 2023-2025 at the February 14, 2023 meeting.  If you have any questions, please contact Nancy O’Reilly (404-435-8579). The new president appoints the committee chairs.  Please reach out to Kathy Sumner (678.357.8684) if you would like to help.

President - Kathy Sumner
1st VP - Membership Debbie Boyd
2nd VP Programs - Gena Spears
Treasurer - Sue Wyatt
Recording Secretary - Dolores Stewart
Corresponding Secretary - Jeanette Shewbert

LAST CALL: Membership Dues are DUE by February 15th!

Dues are $60 per member. Two household members may hold membership for a single payment of $70. Please contact Debbie Boyd by February 15th, of your membership intention. Your name will be removed from our club roster and the state membership roster if we do not hear from you by February 15th. If you have questions about membership or renewal payments, please contact Debbie. (Debbie.boyd@comcast.net).  Please respond promptly.

Payment Options:

  • Mail check to Norcross Garden Club, PO Box 576, Norcross GA 30091.
  • Drop off your payment at the cottage. Leave payment in the Treasurer’s folder, located in the hanging file on the wall in the kitchen. Email Sue Wyatt if you drop your payment at the cottage or if you mail it. (suezq50@aol.com)
  • PayPal payment option: Visit our website to pay your dues online via your PayPal account. On the website, choose "Contact Us" Scroll down to Membership, Select Single or Couple, then click on Buy Now to get the paypal link.
  • Cash, Check, Credit or Debit card payments can be made at the February meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting and wish to pay with a card, text Jeanette Shewbert (770.329.1411).

Did you plant a tree in 2022?

Please email Kathy Sumner(kesumner@att.net) and let her know what trees were planted and when they were planted. Please submit to Kathy by April 1st.

Thursday and Friday April 27th-April 28th Annual Spring Plant Sale
April will be here before we know it! Start your plan for what you can dig from your garden to pass-a-long. Remember to save the sale dates and time during the preceding week on your calendar. We need all hands on deck to prepare for the sale. Questions?  Contact Kathy Sumner (text:678.357.8684)

Georgia Water Coalition Legislative Issues Update


All are welcome to join the Georgia Water Coalition and Garden Club members throughout Georgia for the 2023 Capitol Conservation Day on February 21. Attendees will meet at the Central Presbyterian Church for a light breakfast and orientation before heading into the Capitol to talk about important environmental issues with our legislators. It is an interesting and educational experience. Please consider attending on behalf of Norcross Garden Club and to support Georgia Water Coalition and the water  conservation issues. If you cannot make to the Capitol, please contact your State Senator and House Representative to express your views on the issues.

https://www.gawater.org/  Please see website for registration for Capitol Conservation Day (Events) and update on Legislative Issues (Issues)

American Hydrangea Society-Meeting February 27th 7p, Atlanta History Center

7p Social; 7:30p Meeting Speaker: Linda Cline, Master Gardener; Topic: “Let’s Talk Hydrangeas-Secrets to Success.  https://americanhydrangeasociety.org/

American Daffodil Society’s Flower Show March 10-11, 2023

Standard Flower Show Friday, March 10 and Saturday, March 11, 2023, at the Crowne Plaza Perimeter Ravinia Hotel; 4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road; Atlanta, GA 30346.  The flower show is free and open to the public.

The show hours are 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Friday, March 10, and from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 11. See Winter Garden Gateways p.7 for more information.

Garden Magic on the Mountain, GCG’s 95th Annual Convention April 18-20, 2023

At Evergreen Lakeside Conference Resort, Stone Mountain, GA

The Garden Club of Georgia’s (GCG) website has been updated and has a new link: https://gardenclubofgeorgia.org/ There is a downloadable registration form for the convention.  And there is a link for online registration and the convention schedule.  See TWIG 86 for hotel information and registration form. More information is also available in Winter Garden Gateways on pages 16-18.

Garden Club of Georgia Board of Directors Newsletter

Board Briefs, Board Briefs Winter 2023 is attached.