Rivers Alive 2019 attracts record numbers – combats Dirty Dozen
Record turnout for Rivers Alive! Norcross Stream Trash Bash today! Thanks to amazing and energetic students from Norcross High SchoolSouth Gwinnett High School Friends and Radloff Middle School, plus hardworking volunteers from InternationalPaper and Norcross Garden Club = we collected 45 tires, 53+ bags of trash and beaucoup miscellaneous stuff….an estimated 2500lbs of trash pulled from a tributary of Beaver Ruin Creek (near the gateway sign on Norcross-Tucker Rd). Norcross Parks Dept is getting the tires recycled and properly disposed of the rest of the nasty stuff for us. #volunteerism#kidswhocare #nature #waterconservation #communityservice
The Norcross Garden Club is committed to contributing to helping save the streams and rivers in the Norcross area.
In March 2020 the The Georgia Water Coalition’s Clean 13 Report highlights extraordinary efforts on the part of businesses, industries, local governments, non-profit organizations, and individuals to protect the water and natural resources of Georgia. The Clean 13 Celebration event honors the winners as well as serve as a fundraiser to support the work of the Coalition.
Interested in reading more about the Dirty Dozen? Check out this link.